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Starting A New Journey // Fifty Facts About Me Tag

I’m starting a new online journey and awkward introductions are part and parcel of that. After seeing the Fifty Facts About Me tag floating around other blogs, and on YouTube, I thought it would be a nice way to launch this space. I will have an About Me section, which I’ll update more regularly. But for now, here are fifty facts about me…

Decorative picture of me, in a Dallas Cowboys Jersey.
  1. I am a child of the 90’s.
  2. My star sign is Taurus, with Leo as my Rising, Virgo as my Moon and Taurus as my Sun. I’m definitely still learning what all of that means.
  3. I tend to be called ‘H’ or ‘Han’ a lot. I also get called ‘Mary’ by my dad.
  4. I am the oldest with one younger brother.
  5. We have a family dog, Gwen. She is a black and white collie. She’s technically my shadow.
  6. My favourite number is 12. But, I also like it when things are in sets of 4.
  7. When I was 8 years old, I saw Shania Twain perform on Top Of The Pops. Since then, I’ve had a love for country music.
  8. I have a degree in Criminology and Psychology. I decided to study that course after completing a BTEC in Forensic Science during my sixth form years.
  9. I would love to study at a Postgraduate level. The difficulty is deciding what to study. Not only, do I have lots of different career interests, there are many routes that my undergraduate degree can be applied to too.
  10. Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter… I am pretty much an equal opportunist when it comes to ‘the Fandoms’. I actually rewatch the Harry Potter films every Christmas.
  11.  ‘Fancy Dress’ is one of my favourite ways to go out and celebrate. My 19th birthday was Heroes and Villains themed, my 20th Western and my 21st was Masquerade.
  12. One of my travelling dreams is to go to America. I’d love to stand on the Grand Ole Opry stage. Nashville is calling.
  13. Being ‘Tall’ means clothes shopping is a mission. Most UK retailers don’t stock their Tall sections in store, so there is a lot of kerfuffle sending items back.
  14. I prefer taking photos more than being in them. I also love looking through old photos.
  15. I have a phobia of needles and things that pierce the skin. It’s no surprise I have no piercings or tattoos.
  16. I’ve always been a very picky eater. Until the age of 6, my go-to was bread and butter.
  17. My favourite comedian is Sarah Millican. On more than one occasion, I’ve had to pause the TV or rewind as I’d miss parts when laughing.
  18. I like talent show competitions on TV. More so because I enjoy the discovery of something / someone new. I’m also always excited about the possibility of a new Magician or Ventriloquist.
  19. I’m not hugely into sport, but enjoy the NFL and MLB. I support the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers.
  20. A genuine smile will make my day.
  21. A little Christmas tradition I like to do, is buy or make tree decorations. I gift them to the younger ones, so once they are older, they have ornaments to start off with.
  22. I eat coloured sweets in order. The order is also different between brands.
  23. Vintage fashion has always interested me. I feel my happiest in a vintage-styled circle skirt. Brands like Collectif and Modcloth are my go to. That’s because ‘reproduction’ vintage is more budget-friendly.
  24. I was fortunate enough to go to ‘Country to Country’ in London and see one of my favourite artists, Tim McGraw. He sang two of my favourite songs, ‘The Cowboy In Me’ and ‘Just To See You Smile’.
  25. I had a very prominent overbite growing up. It took years of braces and one lower jaw surgery operation to correct it.
Decorative Image. Picture of me as a child on a slide.
  1. I’m from a big family. Lots of cousins.
  2. I’m the worst at applying liquid eyeliner. I think I’ve tried every YouTube tutorial trick.
  3. I do not smoke. My parents did when I was a child and I saw how hard it was for them to quit. So I never started.
  4. Blue Raspberry Slush Puppies are my go-to summer treat.
  5. I prefer to wear PJ bottoms when at home. They are a lot more comfortable.
  6. Old movies, or “The Classics” as they are referred to in my house, are favourites to watch on a lazy afternoon. Actors like Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant, John Wayne… just to name a few.
  7. I’m also massively into American TV crime shows. Bones, Criminal Minds, NCIS…just to name a few. I’d love to have a part in one of them one day.
  8. Romance, Fantasy and Classic Literature are what I gravitate towards most, but I am open to other genres.
  9. I believe Christmas should be spent a home.
  10. As a kid, I loved watching Saturday morning cartoons. It’s what led me to watch more anime. Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura are favourites.
  11. I have a huge interest in ancestry research. Seeing how my ancestors were placed in history makes me feel connected in a way I can’t describe.
  12. I had an amazing experience in China when I was 14. Highlights were visiting the Terracotta Army and walking to the highest point of The Great Wall.
  13. I’m awful at texting back.
  14. I hate the feeling of insects crawling on my skin. It’s like nails on a chalk board to me.
  15. I always wanted to be a singer, but I sound like a cat in a blender.
  16. Pick ‘n’ mix sweets are the best accompaniment to a movie. As well as popcorn, of course.
  17. I went to many concerts during my teenage years. I love those memories with my friends seeing bands like McFly, Jonas Brothers, Elliot Minor.
  18. Organisation, for me, is the only way I can keep focused. Although it may look like oragnised chaos to some! I use multiple physical and digital planners and notebooks.
  19. If it is a takeaway night, Chinese or Pizza are the go-to’s. I always order the same thing every time.
  20. I used to dye my hair a lot in my teens. I still want to go fully blonde. I did try blonde highlights, but I’d always get that yellow-looking blonde which has put me off going fully.
  21. I don’t like wearing trousers for formal events. I actually hate it. For me, they make me feel like I’m going to work. That’s lasting trauma of working in retail.
  22. Belle is my favourite Disney Princess.
  23. Captain America is my favourite superhero. Of course that has nothing to do with Chris Evans at all… 👀
  24. I do all the gift wrapping in the house come Christmas. I like to fold the edges, use bows and ribbon. They basically have to look like they’re from a Hallmark movie.
  25. I’d love to, one day, publish a book. I have so many ideas for stand-alones and series. Maybe one day.

And that’s just the first fifty facts! It is hard isn’t it? Talking about yourself. I know most people start their online journey with an “About Me” style of post, but it does feel strange.

As always, thanks for reading…

Hannah Marie x

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