
Pumpkin Carvings 2015

I was very tempted to have lots of pumpkin carvings. I mainly wanted to do different Disney characters but unfortunately I have nowhere to put them! If you could carve a hoard of pumpkins, would you have a theme? Would there be a limit on how many would be too many?

Last year I carved Jack Skellington. Going with the Disney theme, this year I decided on the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland.

image is of the Cheshire Cat stencil for blog post Pumpkin Carvings 2015

I found the template on this website.

I used a huge steak knife to cut open the top and a pumpkin carving kit from PoundWorld to scoop out the insides and carve in the design. Tracing the design out beforehand, it proved difficult with the whiskers, so they were done freehand.

image is of the Cheshire Cat pumpkin for blog post Pumpkin Carvings 2015

Since this blog post I have done other pumpkin carvings you may like. To see the posts, please click on the links below.

  1. Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse 2016
  2. Linus and Snoopy 2017
  3. Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell 2018
  4. Victor, Emily and Maggot 2021
  5. Coraline and Other Mother 2022

I am really happy with how the Cheshire Cat turned out! I’d love to see what you’ve carved this year. As always you can find me FacebookTwitterInstagram or Pinterest.

Happy Halloween!

As always, thanks for reading…

Hannah Marie x

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