
Halloween Treat Bags 2021

With COVID and Brexit, it’s safe to say that scrambling for last-minute supplies for treat bags in 2021 wasn’t the best idea. Given my health and brain fog, it was a miracle that the local Tesco still had sweets in stock!

This year, I decided not to make individual trick-or-treat bags and instead opted for prepackaged sweets in a bowl outside. However, I still wanted to put together some treat bags for the kids of family and friends.

The Haul

Image is of multi packs of sweet lollipops, skittles, Swizzels chews, Halloween character treat bags, fake tattoos and a orange Halloween bowl.

The character bags were leftovers from a Baker Ross order a few years ago. They’re not available at the moment, but the company offers plain-coloured ones and even Christmas-themed bags if you’re planning. I also got the temporary tattoos from Baker Ross, and those are still available.

I noticed there wasn’t as much Halloween stock this year, and I wonder if it’s because of COVID. Did businesses want to use up what was left from 2020? Or did they decide not to take a risk in case of another lockdown? I’m hoping that by next year, we’ll be in a better place with the pandemic and able to celebrate more fully.

The Sweet Bags

Image is of all the multi packs of sweet lollipops, skittles, Swizzels chews, fake tattoos packed into the Halloween treat bags. The orange Halloween bowl is behind filled with leftovers.

I was able to fit the temporary tattoos, three small bags of sweets, a few chews, and a lolly. Given their size, I’d say they’re better suited for loose sweets and smaller treat bags, but the colours and designs are just perfect. I’m so happy with how they turned out!

And those are the 2021 version of the Halloween Treat Bags!

As always, thanks for reading…

Hannah Marie x

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