
Bookopoly – New Year Edition

After finding my love for reading again this year, I was inspired by the many TBR games on social media, like Bookopoly. I decided to create my own version and wanted to share it with you.


Before we delve in, I want to credit all the different creators and their TBR Games! If you are thinking of creating your own or want to join in with another creator’s game, I’d highly recommend checking those listed below out!

Why a TBR Game?

I have well over 150 books on my physical TBR and counting! I am also quite the mood reader but do feel I could do with prompting. Some TBR games are quite specific and some have a more generalised prompt. Thar’s why I thought about creating my own. To give me choice but also to kick my backside into gear with my physical TBR.

A Bookopoly board made sense. I could quite easily change prompts that don’t work, have seasonal ones for my mood and this is so handy to print out for my reading journal. I think I will probably do a new board each month, to fit to a monthly theme or seasonal feel.

The Bookopoly Board

I found a few different monopoly boards online. I went with this one because although it’s great to have a plain canvas, it’s nice to have the coloured property headers still.

The Rules

For this bookopoly game, I would suggest using two dice. I decided to pick prompts that would (hopefully) help clear the TBR or get you into something new… Or both!

There is only one main rule, which is to add a roll each time you pass Go!

The Prompts…

  • For the Tax Income spaces, I thought a 30 day buying ban and a 100 day buying ban will help with clearing the physical TBR. Will help with spending after Christmas too!
  • The two utility properties are the oldest and newest book on your TBR. As another way to prompt clearing.
  • Instead of Stations, we are travelling around the UK or across the world. I use Hiveword’s Random Places Generator to generate a place in the UK or across the world (whichever you land on). Then you can pick a book either set there or by an author from there.
  • Instead of Chance cards, we have Social Choice. You can play this in two ways. You could either scroll through the feed of the social media app you’ve landed on until you come across a book already on your physical TBR. Or, you can scroll until the first book you come across.
  • Instead of Community Chest cards, I decided to go with Book Clubs. There are so many online book clubs, some also meet up in person! I picked Goodreads, BOOKCLUBS, and Meetup. You pick a book club and read the book they have chosen that month. I thought this may encourage readers to join book clubs and find more book friends.
  • For the “A Book Published 100 Years Ago” prompt, there is a list here for you to choose from.
  • For “A Celebrity Book” prompt, this can be fiction or non-fiction.
  • For the “Book About Moving” prompt, this can be moving on in a physical or emotional sense.
  • For “A Book About Health and Wellbeing” prompt, this could be anything from mindfulness and mental health to a cooking, language or new skill book.
  • For “Last Year’s Number One” prompt, that can be the number one book of the year from any book list.

I believe all the other prompts are self explanatory but please reach out if you would like any more guidance.

You can download your own copy with the rules and prompts below…

And that is my first Bookopoly Game. I would love to know if you are playing along, or what your thoughts are. So comment below or find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest for more.

As always, thanks for reading…

Hannah Marie x