
A Christmas Gift Guide For… The Movie Lover

Like with listening to music, the way we watch movies has changed, but there are still gifts I think the Movie Lover would like.

Image has products that are gift ideas for blog post A Christmas Gift Guide For... The Movie Lover
  1. Wes Anderson: The Iconic Filmmaker and his Work (Iconic Filmmakers Series)
  2. STG’s Lavishly Produced Great British Film and TV Map
  3. Movie Film Clap Board
  4. Walt Disney Tribute Camera
  5. Nightmare Before Christmas: ‘What’s This?’ Christmas Jumper
  6. Gift Republic The Original 100 Movies-Scratch Off Bucket List Poster
  7. Lakeland Velvety Green Electric Heated Throw
  8. Smartphone Projector Deluxe
  9. Make At Home Movie Night Popcorn Toppings Kit
  10. Personalised Box Of Movie Date Night Ideas

With a lot of these items, you can get different versions or styles. For example, the Wes Anderson book, there are other iconic filmmakers you could choose from. The Christmas Jumper. I picked The Nightmare before Christmas as I have that one and love it. But you can get a Christmas jumper with characters from the Star Wars films or the Marvel films. 

And those are my picks for The Movie Lover. I’ll be posting more gift guides throughout November. If there are any you’d like to see, please comment below. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest for more blog posts.

As always, thanks for reading…

Hannah Marie x

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